Q #1) What is an Object and a Class?
A Class is an encapsulation of properties and methods that are used to
represent a real-time entity. It is a data structure that brings all the
instances together in a single unit.
An Object in an instance of a Class. Technically, it is just a block
of memory allocated that can be stored in the form of Variables, Array or a
Q #2) What are the fundamental OOP concepts?
The four fundamental concepts of Object
Oriented Programming are:
– The Internal representation of an object is hidden from the view outside
object’s definition. Only the required information can be accessed whereas the
rest of the data implementation is hidden.
– It is a process of identifying the critical behaviour and data of an object
and eliminating the irrelevant details.
– It is the ability to create new classes from another class. It is done by
accessing, modifying and extending the behaviour of objects in the parent
– The name means, one name, many forms. It is achieved by having multiple
methods with the same name but different implementations.
Q #3) What is Managed and Unmanaged code?
Managed code is a code which is executed by CLR (Common Language Runtime) i.e
all application code based on .Net Platform. It is considered as managed
because of the .Net framework which internally uses the garbage collector to
clear up the unused memory.
Unmanaged code is any code that is
executed by application runtime of any other framework apart from .Net. The
application runtime will take care of memory, security and other performance
Q #4) What is an Interface?
An Interface is a class with no implementation. The only thing that it contains
is the declaration of methods, properties, and events.
Q #5) What are the different types of classes
in C#?
The different types of class in C# are:
class – Allows its members to be divided or shared with multiple .cs files.
It is denoted by the keyword Partial.
class – It is a class which cannot be inherited. To access the members of a
sealed class, we need to create the object of the class. It is denoted by the keyword Sealed.
class – It is a class whose object cannot be instantiated. The class can
only be inherited. It should contain at least one method. It is denoted by the keyword abstract.
class – It is a class which does not allow inheritance. The members of the
class are also static. It is denoted by
the keyword static. This keyword tells the compiler to check for any accidental
instances of the static class.
Q #6) Explain Code compilation in C#.
There are four steps in code compilation which include:
•Compiling the source code into
Managed code by C# compiler.
•Combining the newly created code into
•Loading the Common Language
•Executing the assembly by CLR.
Q #7) What are the differences between a Class
and a Struct?
Given below are the differences between a Class and a Struct:
Supports Inheritance
Does not
support Inheritance
Class is Pass by reference (reference type)
is Pass by Copy (Value type)
Members are private by default
are public by default
Good for larger complex objects
Good for
Small isolated models
Can use waste collector for memory management
use Garbage collector and hence no Memory management
Q #8) What is the difference between Virtual
method and Abstract method?
A Virtual method must always have a default implementation. However, it can be
overridden in the derived class, though not mandatory. It can be overridden
using override keyword.
An Abstract method does not have an
implementation. It resides in the abstract class. It is mandatory that the
derived class implements the abstract method. An override keyword is not
necessary here though it can be used.
Q #9) Explain Namespaces in C#.
They are used to organize large code projects. “System” is the most widely used
namespace in C#. We can create our own namespace and use one namespace in
another, which are called Nested Namespaces.
They are denoted by the keyword
Q #10) What is “using” statement in C#?
“Using” Keyword denotes that the particular namespace is being used by the
For Example, using System. Here System
is a namespace. The class Console is defined under System. So we can use the console.writeline (“….”) or
readline in our program.
Q #11) Explain Abstraction.
Abstraction is one of the OOP concepts. It is used to display only the
essential features of the class and hides the unnecessary information.
Let us take an Example of a Car:
A driver of the car should know the
details about the Car such as color, name, mirror, steering, gear, brake, etc.
What he doesn’t have to know is an Internal engine, Exhaust system.
So, Abstraction helps in knowing what
is necessary and hiding the internal details from the outside world. Hiding of the
internal information can be achieved by declaring such parameters as Private
using the private keyword.
Q #12) Explain Polymorphism?
Programmatically, Polymorphism means same method but different implementations.
It is of 2 types, Compile-time and
Compile time polymorphism is achieved
by operator overloading.
Runtime polymorphism is achieved by
overriding. Inheritance and Virtual functions are used during Runtime
For Example, If a class has a method
Void Add(), polymorphism is achieved by Overloading the method, that is, void
Add(int a, int b), void Add(int add) are all overloaded methods.
Q #13) How is Exception Handling implemented
in C#?
Exception handling is done using four keywords in C#:
•try – Contains a block of code for
which an exception will be checked.
•catch – It is a program that catches
an exception with the help of exception handler.
•finally – It is a block of code
written to execute regardless whether an exception is caught or not.
•Throw – Throws an exception when a
problem occurs.
Q #14) What are C# I/O Classes? What are the
commonly used I/O Classes?
C# has System.IO namespace, consisting of classes that are used to perform
various operations on files like creating, deleting, opening, closing etc.
Some commonly used I/O classes are:
•File – Helps in manipulating a file.
•StreamWriter – Used for writing
characters to a stream.
•StreamReader – Used for reading
characters to a stream.
•StringWriter – Used for reading a
string buffer.
•StringReader – Used for writing a
string buffer.
•Path – Used for performing operations
related to path information.
Q #15) What are Boxing and Unboxing?
Converting a value type to reference type is called Boxing.
For Example:
int Value1 -= 10;
object boxedValue = Value1;
Explicit conversion of same reference
type (created by boxing) back to value type is called Unboxing.
For Example:
int UnBoxing = int (boxedValue);
Q #16) What is the difference between Continue
and Break Statement?
Break statement breaks the loop. It makes the control of the program to exit
the loop. Continue statement makes the control of the program to exit only the
current iteration. It does not break the loop.
Q #17) What is the difference between finally
and finalize block?
finally block is called after the execution of try and catch block. It is used
for exception handling. Regardless of whether an exception is caught or not,
this block of code will be executed. Usually, this block will have clean-up
finalize method is called just before
garbage collection. It is used to perform clean up operations of Unmanaged
code. It is automatically called when a given instance is not subsequently
Questions on Arrays and Strings
Q #18) What is an Array? Give the syntax for a
single and multi-dimensional array?
An Array is used to store multiple variables of the same type. It is a
collection of variables stored in a contiguous memory location.
For Example:
double numbers = new double[10];
int[] score = new int[4]
A Single dimensional array is a linear
array where the variables are stored in a single row. Above example is a Single
dimensional array.
Arrays can have more than one
dimension. Multidimensional arrays are also called rectangular arrays.
For Example, int[,] numbers = new
int[3,2] { {1,2} ,{2,3},{3,4} };
Q #19) What is a Jagged Array?
A Jagged array is an array whose elements are arrays. It is also called as the
array of arrays. It can be either single or multiple dimensions.
int[] jaggedArray = new int[4][];
Q #20) Name some properties of Array.
Properties of an Array include:
•Length – Gets the total number of
elements in an array.
•IsFixedSize – Tells whether the array
is fixed in size or not.
•IsReadOnly – Tells whether the array
is read-only or not.
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